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What is Fraud?
Fraud is defined as an illegal criminal act that consists of the – alleged – purposeful misleading of a victim in a harmful fashion; the motives that may exist within a fraud charge may be facilitated by the intention of gain through deceit. 
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Scam: An illegal, deceptive, and structured plan undertaken in order to purposely defraud its participants
Identity Theft: The illegal assumption of the identity belonging to another individual with the hopes of gain and profit through fraudulent acts; identity theft may take place with the expressed intent of committing fraud, theft, exploitative acts, and harm with the hope of garnering personal profit or gain as result of their actions
Misrepresentation: The deliberate deception or misleading of individual – or entities – in order to fallaciously convey inaccurate information; this is a common theme that takes place within fraud charges
Falsification: The criminal act of and individual’s – or entity’s – attempt to present fallacious or fraudulent facts, documentation, or reports as legitimate or accurate; within the realm of identity theft, the falsification of personal documentation belonging to the victim of this type of fraud may take place in order to achieve economic gain
Counterfeit: The illegal and unlawful reproduction, circulation, or recreation of an item with the intent of defrauding individuals in the midst of purchase
How Does Fraud Take Place?
The prosecution of computer fraud includes any and all parameters with regard to the implicit legislation, decorum, legality, and ethics with regard to computer networks, the internet, electronic commerce, the online marketplace, and commercial activity taking place within a virtual setting; Online Identity theft may take place as a result of the unlawful acquisition of personal, private, and financial information belonging to the victims involved.
The classification of Financial Fraud is applicable to the activity, exchange, and the circulation of monies or currency; in the scope of a charge, financial fraud can occur in a variety of fashions, including the intrusion into the personal or private domain of another individual, clandestine electronic activity with the intent of unlawfully obtaining personal information, and the falsification of documents belonging to the victims of identity theft.



What is Forgery?
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The criminal act of forgery can take place in a variety of settings; however – with regard to identity theft – the act of unlawfully recreating the likeness of the signature belonging to another individual or entity with the intent of providing deceitful authorization for economic gain is one of the foremost methodologies undertaken.

How is Forgery Facilitated in order to Commit Identity Theft?
Forgery charges can span the realm of legality; both the nature, as well as the crime itself – with regard to any or all the victims involved – with allow for the a shift within the respective setting in which the act of forgery takes place:
Electronic Forgery
The misuse of computer networks, the internet, and various avenues within the online community in order to defraud potential victims of identity theft is classified as electronic – or online forgery. Electronic Forgery is quite common within the digital age, which can include the illegal and unlawful reproduction of endorsements in the form of electronic signatures in order to illicitly assume the identity of the victim of identity theft.

Financial Forgery
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Commercial Forgery

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Governmental and Administrative Forgery
Administrative forgery includes the vast expanses of laws, acts, ordinances, and legislation with regard to the Federal Government of the United States; identity theft in an administrative realm may include the unlawful duplication of documentation or the illegal officiating of government-mandated forms and requirements.

How to Prevent Electronic Identity Theft

Due to technological innovation, electronic identity theft is considered by many to be one of the most recently-developed crimes, credited – in part – to the ongoing advent of computer-based technology. This type of technology relies heavily on the Internet and online activity, and as a result, regulations and oversight of this type of activity has been expressed in the spectrum of preventative measures involving the cessation of electronic identity theft.
Companies providing methods of Identity theft prevention – including Lifelock, which is one of the most widely-acclaimed and recognized – have employed protective measures ranging from securing online perimeters to communicative transmission inquiring about the validity of unsubstantiated activity; these types of companies have found their respective niche within the prevention of identity fraud upon providing protection in lieu of infringing on personal privacy. 
